how to find vertica write per sec
how to find vertica write per sec i am using this query to find
SELECT node_name,
round(min(start_time), 'MI') as start_time,
round(max(end_time), 'MI') as end_time,
round( ( (sum(total_read_bytes_end_value - total_read_bytes_start_value) / 1024) /
(datediff('millisecond', min(start_time), max(end_time)) / 1000.0) )::float, 2) as read_kbytes_per_sec,
round( ( (sum(total_written_bytes_end_value - total_written_bytes_start_value) / 1024) /
(datediff('millisecond', min(start_time), max(end_time)) / 1000.0) )::float, 2) as written_kbytes_per_sec FROM v_internal.dc_io_info_by_minute GROUP BY node_name, round(start_time, 'MI') ORDER BY 2 desc ;
SELECT node_name,
round(min(start_time), 'MI') as start_time,
round(max(end_time), 'MI') as end_time,
round( ( (sum(total_read_bytes_end_value - total_read_bytes_start_value) / 1024) /
(datediff('millisecond', min(start_time), max(end_time)) / 1000.0) )::float, 2) as read_kbytes_per_sec,
round( ( (sum(total_written_bytes_end_value - total_written_bytes_start_value) / 1024) /
(datediff('millisecond', min(start_time), max(end_time)) / 1000.0) )::float, 2) as written_kbytes_per_sec FROM v_internal.dc_io_info_by_minute GROUP BY node_name, round(start_time, 'MI') ORDER BY 2 desc ;
you can use system_resource_usage which give you avg cpu , memory ,network sent and receive and also I/O read & write per minute.
Hope that helps
I/O read & write per minute we get in io_read_kbytes_per_second,io_written_kbytes_per_second.
is there way to convert these numbers into rows per second.
it will give you for non executing queries the num rows processed and the time the query ran .
then you will be able to see the rows/sec for the query .