
multi-row Inserts and timestamps

I'm trying to do a multi-row insert here.

My situation looks like:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
  col1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
When I run an insert as so, it works fine:
INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 
SELECT 'value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00';
When I try and do a multi-row insert:
INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 
SELECT 'value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00'
SELECT 'value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00';
I get:
ERROR 2631:  Column "col2" is of type timestamp but expression is of type varchar
I have no idea what is going on. Some help would be greatly appreciated. It seems to work just fine unless there is a timestamp involved. What's going on?


  • Options
    You can execute this instead:

    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 

    SELECT 'value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00'::timestamp


    SELECT 'value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00'::timestamp;

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    The trouble I'm having, is that I'm using the JDBC driver to do it. With a prepared statement, I have no possibility to provide that.
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    Ok - how about this?  :-)

    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 

    select c1, c2::timestamp from (

    SELECT 'value1' as c1,'2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00' as c2


    SELECT 'value2' as c1,'2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00' as c2

    ) q;

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    Clever rewrite :-)

    Another alternative -- if this is JDBC, just prepare a regular INSERT .. VALUES statement, then execute it twice in a row.

    Vertica will internally/automatically rewrite this as a single statement.
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    Oh really? I'm actually in the process of adding Vertica support into the http://sqlkorma.com/ project. I've been trying to figure out the best ways to do batch inserts.

    To be clear, you are saying that:
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 )  VALUES ('value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00')
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES ('value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00');
    Will not result in two different transactions, but will do it all in one?

  • Options
    Oh really? I'm actually in the process of adding Vertica support into the http://sqlkorma.com/ project. I've been trying to figure out the best ways to do batch inserts.

    To be clear, you are saying that:
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 )  VALUES ('value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00')
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES ('value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00');
    Will not result in two different transactions, but will do it all in one?

  • Options
    Oh really? I'm actually in the process of adding Vertica support into the http://sqlkorma.com/ project. I've been trying to figure out the best ways to do batch inserts.

    To be clear, you are saying that:
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 )  VALUES ('value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00')
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES ('value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00');
    Will not result in two different transactions, but will do it all in one?
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    That is approximately the case, yes; that will usually be turned into just one Vertica operation.

    There are a bunch of specifics -- take a look at this bit of documentation:


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    Also, great to see more projects getting Vertica support!
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    After trying what you suggested @Adam:

    My attempt:
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 )  VALUES (?,?);
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES (?,?);
    [Vertica][VJDBC](2446) ERROR: Cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement.
    Another attempt:
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 )  VALUES (?,?)
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES (?,?)
    [Vertica][VJDBC](4856) ERROR: Syntax error at or near "INSERT"

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    Ah, sorry, I was unclear:  Just prepare:

    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) VALUES (?,?);

    then run that prepared statement twice from Java.

    The documentation link above has some example Java code; take a look there to see what I'm talking about.

    If you really want to do this with a single Java function call, then something like Sharon's approach is probably the way to go.  This INSERT mechanism is intended for if you want to stream a large (potentially variable) number of values into a table quickly.
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    Yeah that was silly of me. I realized after I posted what you meant.
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    Ok I understand the issue better now. However, I would still like to determine why the original issue was occurring. Why, using the 'UNION ALL SELECT' syntax above:
    • can one record be inserted with a timestamp field
    • can multiple records be inserted without a timestamp field
    • cant multiple records be inserted with a timestamp field?
    Is this a bug? Is this documented anywhere? Is it an inference thing?

    Why does this happen?
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 
    SELECT 'value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00'
    SELECT 'value2','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00';
    ERROR 2631:  Column "col2" is of type timestamp but expression is of type varchar
    And this is fine?
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 
    SELECT 'value1','2014-03-06T21:05:00.000000000-00:00';
    And so is this (no timestamp field)?
    INSERT INTO tablename ( col1, col2 ) 
    SELECT 'value1','asdf'
    SELECT 'value2','asdf';

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