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creating UDFs — Vertica Forum

creating UDFs


May be anyone can help me.

I am trying to create Java Scalar Function and use it in Vertica. For he first time I am trying to create function that described in the documentation. I did all steps exact like it described there. But when I invoke "create function" command in vsql I receive next error:

ROLLBACK 3399:  Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeSetExecContext(): Error in User Defined Object [add2ints], error code: 0

com.vertica.sdk.UdfException: Couldn't instantiate class home/dbadmin/workspace/tasks/src/com/mycompany/example/Add2intsFactory

Possibly I miss some settings in Vertica?

Thank you for any help.


  • PRanaPRana Employee
    Hi Roman,

    This error pops up when vertica is unable to find the class specified in the create function statement in the library jar. Can you please check if the name of the class in the create function statement is the same as that in the jar. Please note that the case must match as well. If the problem still persists, please post a reproducer.

  • Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeSetExecContext(): Error in User Defined Object [tokenize], error code: 0
    com.vertica.sdk.UdfException: Couldn't instantiate class com.mycompany.example.TokenFactory
            at com.vertica.udxfence.UDxExecContext.findUDXFactoryInLibrary(UDxExecContext.java:356)
            at com.vertica.udxfence.UDxExecContext.setupLanguageContext(UDxExecContext.java:391)
            at com.vertica.udxfence.UDxExecContext.setupContext(UDxExecContext.java:437)
            at com.vertica.udxfence.UDxExecContext.run(UDxExecContext.java:197)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mycompany.example.TokenFactory
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
            at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:270)
            at com.vertica.udxfence.UDxExecContext.findUDXFactoryInLibrary(UDxExecContext.java:341)
            ... 4 more
  • PRanaPRana Employee
    Hi Roman,

    Can you please provide the statements that you are using to create the library and the function. can you also attach you java code.

  • java code:

    package com.mycompany.example;
    import com.vertica.sdk.*;

    public class TokenFactory extends TransformFunctionFactory{
        public void getPrototype(ServerInterface srvInterface, ColumnTypes argTypes,ColumnTypes returnType){
        public void getReturnType(ServerInterface srvInterface, SizedColumnTypes inputTypes,SizedColumnTypes outputTypes){
        public class TokenizeString extends TransformFunction {
            public void processPartition(ServerInterface srvInterface,PartitionReader inputReader,PartitionWriter outputWriter) throws UdfException,DestroyInvocation {
                do {
                    if(inputReader.isStringNull(0)) {
                    else {
                        String[] tokens = inputReader.getString(0).split("\\s+");
                        for(int i=0;i<tokens.length;i++) {
                            outputWriter.next();                    }
        public TransformFunction createTransformFunction(ServerInterface srvInterface) {
            return new TokenizeString();

    create library sts:
    dbadmin=>create library tokenizelib as'/home/dbadmin/TokinizeStringLib.jar'
    dbadmin-> language 'Java';

    create transform function sts:
    dbadmin=> create transform function tokenize as language 'Java' name
    dbadmin-> 'com.mycompany.example.TokenFactory' library tokenizelib;

  • PRanaPRana Employee
    Hi Roman,

    This works for me.
    prana=> create library tokeniz1elib as '/home/prana/Downloads/build/tokenize.jar' language 'java';
    prana=> create transform function tokenize1 as language 'Java' name 'com.mycompany.example.TokenFactory' library tokenizelib;

  • Could you please write the commands that you use to compile Java classes and create jar files?
  • PRanaPRana Employee
    Sure ! Here they are.

    localhost:tmp $ javac-cp /opt/vertica/bin/VerticaSDK.jar /opt/vertica/sdk/com/vertica/sdk/BuildInfo.java -d build/javaLibs

    localhost:tmp $ javac -cp /opt/vertica/bin/VerticaSDK.jar TokenFactory.java -d build/javaLibs

    localhost:tmp $ cd build/javaLibs

    localhost:tmp $ jar cf tokenLib.jar .

    prana=> create library tokenlib as '/home/prana/tmp/build/javaLibs/tokenLib.jar' language 'java';

    prana=> create transform function tokenize as language 'Java' name 'com.mycompany.example.TokenFactory' library tokenlib;

  • Thank you. We will try this but I believe that we have done the same steps and it not work.
  • Its not working. I receive the same error. Possibly some settings should changed?
  • PRanaPRana Employee
    Hi Roman,

    Can you please open a support case.


  • Hi Pratibha,

    We now use eclipse to create jar file and select one more option:
    Export generated class files and resources

    Without this option it not work.

    I don't know what similar option in jar command, but this is the only way when function is normally created.
  • Hi Roman,

    I have created a Java UDF. I have created Jar file for entire project using Eclipse. Jar file already has BuildInfo.class file, but still vertica isn't able to find it in JAR. Any clue?

    2015-02-12 12:01:58.958 Init Session:0x7ff7f8013570-a0000000001fa9 <ROLLBACK> @v_vertica_icici_node0001: VP001/3399: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeSetExecContext(): Error in User Defined Object [], error code: 0Error happened in loading jar file, Vertica build info class not found

    Below is the snapshot of my jar file contents. 

  • This is now solved :) 
    I was keeping BuildInfo.class in incorrect package. It has to be in com.vertica.sdk.

  • Make sure you copy your jar file to /opt/vertica/bin.


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