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ClickStream Example — Vertica Forum

ClickStream Example

Hello, I was looking for an e-commerce Clickstream dataset and found yours Clickstream Example, that looks exactly what I needed.
I tried to download it, following this topic:
but it appears it's no longer available.

I was wondering if you could please provide me the DB?
I intend to use it in an academic project, and that leads me to my next question, are there any conditions/limitations of use?

Best regards,
Gabriel Mota


  • Hi Gabriel,

    I reposted the file that Mark had received in the same location.

    site               customers.ftp.com
    user             ForumExchange
    pwd             tznjviZ2
    the file name is ClickStream_Example.tar.gz and it's ~650k in size.

    A couple comments he passed along in case they are of help:
    FYI, the C++ files in these examples need to be edited so that main() returns int, or it won't compile. At least not with g++ on my Mac.

    The SQL worked perfectly against MySQL by the way, though the date format in 
    Date_Dimension.tbl is %m/%d/%Y and should be %Y-%m-%d. I haven't tried changing Time.txt yet to work around this.


  • Thank you Steve.
    I have download it, from ftp://ftp.vertica.com/ since the site you provide was not valid.

    What about my second question? Could you please provide me some information, about the terms of use or limitations, regarding this DB?
  • Gabriel,

    I'm confirming with Sales but I do not believe there are any restrictions, limitations, terms of use of the Vertica example dbs such as VMart or ClickStream. They are provided as examples and I wouldn't think there would be any restriction on a customer using them as a basis to build upon. As noted I'll confirm this with Sales and post the final word on it.
  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hi Gabriel / Steve

    The site  ftp://ftp.vertica.com/  - Is it publicly available.
    If yes what is the username and passwd for this .
  • Navin,

    I don't believe that ftp.vertica.com is accessible from everywhere, but the aforementioned customers.vertica.com is. The customers.vertica.com site doesn't allow browsing for security reasons, so you have to have a specific id/pwd combination to get to content. In this case the clickstream example is at:

    site               customers.ftp.com
    user             ForumExchange
    pwd             tznjviZ2

  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Thanks Steve,

    But I can only see a blank screen on http://customers.vertica.com/ . Its not even asking for credentials.

  • It's an ftp site so http won't get you there. If you don't have an ftp client you can try via your browser using url ftp://ForumExchange:tznjviZ2@customers.vertica.com. You may be prompted if you want to go to the site, say yes.
  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Thanks Steve...It worked.
  • Could you please re-upload all datasets, specifically clickstream one.imageimage

  • Can you please reupload the clickstream database? Thanks in advance!
  • Hi Steve,


    Can you please reload the clickstream dataset again. Thanks in advance.

  • Use this data source to play with Vertica 

    Stock Schema


  • Thanks a lot for the data files. 

    It will be great if i can get the clickstream data files for any ecommerce website and that will help me a lot in my project.


    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi 


    For POC developement, can anybody share the clickstream data?



  • @Karthik_Manohar said:
    Thanks a lot for the data files. 

    It will be great if i can get the clickstream data files for any ecommerce website and that will help me a lot in my project.

    I am also looking for a similar type of features for my ecommerce store. The store is created on Magento framework and is hosted on Cloudways powered Magento hosting.

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