What's eating my Vertica memory?
So I ran this query (picked up here), and found some interesting results.
As in, I'm looking to understand why total_memory_free_bytes is what it is. Once I do, would it be possible to eject things from memory manually?
-- Shows memory information by hostHow do I find out what's eating up memory?
SELECT /*+label(diag_memory_info)*/
total_memory_bytes / ( 1024^3 ) AS total_memory_gb,
total_memory_free_bytes / ( 1024^3 ) AS total_memory_free_gb,
total_swap_memory_bytes / ( 1024^3 ) AS total_swap_memory_gb,
total_swap_memory_free_bytes / ( 1024^3 ) AS total_swap_memory_free_gb
FROM v_monitor.host_resources;
As in, I'm looking to understand why total_memory_free_bytes is what it is. Once I do, would it be possible to eject things from memory manually?
So top -m confirms that Vertica is responsible for most of the memory consumption, which is good.
But how I can I understand why it's using the memory its using?