Pattern Match Issue (Unhandled expression type 316)
I am trying to use the Event Series Pattern Matching functionality within Vertica's Analytics tools. After defining at first as many as 9 events and a Pattern to match against the SQL threw an 'Unhandled expression type 316'. I have a great deal of trouble searching out error codes in the online documentation and found nothing, so I paired back down the command to 3 events and a shorter pattern to simplify in an attempt to get it functioning.
I need help with error code so I know how to fix the syntax. I am deriving the events via a subquery (which runs fine) that I get sorted the way I need and then after it runs it is Matched against.. and thats when the error occurs so I know its either in my Match syntax or possibly in the way the data is presented in the subquery but I don't have enough specifics to proceed.
Any help will be appreciated.
I need help with error code so I know how to fix the syntax. I am deriving the events via a subquery (which runs fine) that I get sorted the way I need and then after it runs it is Matched against.. and thats when the error occurs so I know its either in my Match syntax or possibly in the way the data is presented in the subquery but I don't have enough specifics to proceed.
Any help will be appreciated.
Also, a snippet from the vertica.logs when this happens would be useful.
seems to be a case where vertica could not figure out what the type of the expression.