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Loading Excel file to Vertica( not in csv format) — Vertica Forum

Loading Excel file to Vertica( not in csv format)

Is there any  method to load excel files into Vertica database without using third party ETL toosl?Is it possible with COPY command?We also need to Load data from  all the tabs of Excel sheet.


  • I doubt it's possible without a third party ETL tools. But there are some open sourced. I would use Pentaho data integrator.
  • PowerShell for this. Check this link for the solution  
     You will need to create csv files and then load them into Vertica.
  • So Far, What I am using that works with old .XLS and new .XLSX files, able to filter tabs and export with the separator I prefer (Ascii Field Separator) is this project:




    it has almost no dependencies, and I have it working on production for months now with very different excel files arriving without issues.


    Hope that helps

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