I have created a projection and its buddy for a table. But they are showing as [UptoDate: No] [Stats: No] . I did the start_refresh() . Is there anything I am missing ??
On how many nodes you ran this ? Steps in solving 3586 error: 1- verify that all the columns in your query are present on a valid projection 2- make sure your k-safety is not 0
select designed_fault_tolerance from system;
Run this to recrete your table in a ksafe 1 mode
create table tbl2 as select * from initial_table ksafe 1; I also say that you need to run DBD tool, this will solve you error
I was able to load the data finally. Instead of giving paramters in the select refresh(), i gave the empty command and it picked the projections and refreshed. Some how the parameters were not working.
Steps in solving 3586 error:
1- verify that all the columns in your query are present on a valid projection
2- make sure your k-safety is not 0 Run this to recrete your table in a ksafe 1 mode
I was able to load the data finally. Instead of giving paramters in the select refresh(), i gave the empty command and it picked the projections and refreshed. Some how the parameters were not working.
Thanks a lot for your replies !!!!!