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date format — Vertica Forum

date format


I need to do bulk load in Vertica.  The data is a dump of an Oracle table.  I created a csv file by running Sql Loader and using this csv file as the input to load the Vertica table.  I chose to use COPY.  The data is getting loaded but I see the date format is MM/DD/YYYY which is not the same as the source table is formatted as 'DD-MON-YY'.  I checked the date format in the .csv file, it is 'DD-MON-YY' there too.  I went through many different posts on this topic and also the documentation.  It will be appreciated, if someone can help.  I am not posting my script here but if anyone wants to see my script, please let me know.  BTW, I am using Vertica version 5.1.  Thanks in advance.


  • Hi!

    Post few dates from file, it's enough. This is a format - '29-Jan-2013'?
    daniel=> create table TSG (id int, nick varchar(16), dt date, income money);

    daniel=> \!cat /tmp/tsg.data

    daniel=> copy TSG
    daniel-> ( id, nick, dt format 'DD#MON#YYYY', income )
    daniel-> from '/tmp/tsg.data' direct delimiter '|' abort on error;
    Rows Loaded
    (1 row)

    daniel=> select * from TSG;
    id | nick | dt | income
    1 | foo | 2013-01-29 | 100.0000
    2 | bar | 2013-01-30 | 200.0000
    3 | egg | 2013-01-31 | 300.0000
    4 | tux | 2013-02-01 | 59.9000
    (4 rows)

  • Thanks for your quick response.  It’s truly appreciated.

    I am able to load the data.  The problem I am having is it’s not preserving the date format that’s in the input file. Your results show the same issue I am having.  In your test data, you have ’29-Jan-2013’ but the data in the table is stored as ‘2013-01-29’ as displayed by the select statement.  Is there a way to fix the format?

    My other problem is the year part of the date field.   My input file has 31-DEC-99.  Although, it’s only showing 99, I know that it’s 31-DEC-9999.  When the data is loaded in my vertica table, it’s 1999.  I have formatted the column in the COPY statement


    The result I am getting is 1999-12-31. 

    I changed the format to


    but I am still getting 1999-12-31

    Any help will be much appreciated.


  • >> Is there a way to fix the format?
    Nothing here is wrong. Vertica can define a date format, but you are on wrong way - Vertica isn't a reporting tool, but a analytical. Pretty/beautiful output format (names of month instead of number, weekday name, whatever) must be defined in reporting tools - for that BI/Reporting tools are created and Vertica are created to analyze data.

    daniel=> select * from tsg;
    id | nick | dt | income
    1 | foo | 2013-01-29 | 100.0000
    2 | bar | 2013-01-30 | 200.0000
    3 | egg | 2013-01-31 | 300.0000
    4 | tux | 2013-02-01 | 59.9000
    (4 rows)

    daniel=> set datestyle to SQL, DMY;
    daniel=> select * from tsg;
    id | nick | dt | income
    1 | foo | 29/01/2013 | 100.0000
    2 | bar | 30/01/2013 | 200.0000
    3 | egg | 31/01/2013 | 300.0000
    4 | tux | 01/02/2013 | 59.9000
    (4 rows)

    >> My other problem is the year part of the date field.   My input file has 31-DEC-99.
    I can't help you here - continue to read Oracle docs for solving your problem in Vertica. Sorry, I can't do it.
    Where did you find a flag "RR"? Did you tried an banal flag "YY" - 2 digits for year?

    Template Patterns for Date/Time Formatting
    daniel=> select to_date('31-DEC-99', 'DD-MON-YY'), to_date('1-JAN-00', 'DD-MON-YY');
    to_date | to_date
    31/12/1999 | 01/01/2000
    (1 row)

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