
Issues with Revoke and Drop Storage Location

I am doing bulk load using COPY statement.  I created a storage location called reject_data for the rejected data and granted privilege to the user.  Now I don't want that storage location anymore.  So, I wanted to revoke privilege using REVOKE ALL ON LOCATION 'path' FROM user;.  I am getting an error ROLLBACK 5365:  User available location ["storage_location"] does not exist on node ["nodename"].  I queried the storage_locations view in v_catalog to confirm that it's there.  I tried DROP_LOCATION, that gives an error too - ERROR 3135:  drop_location for DATA locations is not supported.  I have retired the location successfully with select RETIRE_LOCATION from the same path and same node.

Can someone tell me why REVOKE and DROP_LOCATION failed and what can be done to not get this error anymore.

Thanks for your help.

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