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Vertica.log file is not rotating 2 — Vertica Forum

Vertica.log file is not rotating 2

the log is not rotating because log rotate expects username owner to be root root

of file

and it is dbadmin verticadba 


  • Hi Shimon!

    Can you post your installation flags? You can extract it from /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf
  • Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.11.0-12-generic x86_64) ~# cat /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf [Configuration] last_port = 5433 default_base = /home/dbadmin format = 3 install_opts = --hosts '' '--failure-threshold=FAIL' -S default spreadlog = False controlsubnet = default controlmode = broadcast [Cluster] hosts = [Nodes] node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadminv_mydb_node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_mydb_node0002 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_mydb_node0003 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_frienddb_node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_default_node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_default_node0002 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_test_node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_mydb_node0004 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin v_myappdb_node0001 =,/home/dbadmin,/home/dbadmin [Database:frienddb] restartpolicy = ksafe port = 5433 path = /home/dbadmin/frienddb nodes = v_frienddb_node0001 [Database:myappdb] restartpolicy = ksafe port = 5433 path = /home/dbadmin/myappdb/v_myappdb_node0001_catalog nodes = v_myappdb_node0001
  • Hi!

    It do not match, to config.


    means that name of database is DB, while you posted config for frienddb and myappdb

  • no i changed names if you can remove that DBbursa from all comments and thus comment
  • after changing the owner it works for me , i just report a bug to you
  • Hi!

    Thanks, but looks like you are an enterprise user (4 nodes ;)), so a best way its to open a ticket or send an e-mail to Vertica support.

    About your "bug":
    1. I did a lot of installations and no problems with log rotation. There are problems sometimes(while its not clear in docs) with user permissions when you defines a db super user and/or os user already exists. But you modified your output so I can't be sure that you didn't modified your install options too and so can say where is a problem.
    An example of permissions problem:

    2. Ubuntu 14.04 isn't supported, so be careful, you actually have no support.

    I asked only install options - to verify a problem with permissions and I don't care about ips, and so on, only db super user, group, password, etc.

    Ubuntu 14.04 require threshold HALT :)
    daniel@xps:~$ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    Release: 14.04
    Codename: trusty

    daniel@xps:~$ grep install /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf
    install_opts = --hosts '' --dba-user daniel --dba-group daniel --data-dir /vertica --clean --license CE --accept-eula --failure-threshold HALT

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