Characteristics of Default superprojection
Hello All,
I am looking to understand the characteristics of default super projection in terms of Order by Clause and Segmentation clause.
There is a note in documentation on this but in vertica 6 , but its not there in vertica 7.
I tried connecting this to my scenario and its is a vast difference.
1. Created table A manually
2. Alter table to add Primary keys (set of keys as primary keys)
3. Check the projection created and it shows order by on all primary keys but in slight different sequence and segmentation on just two primary keys.
Expected according to document - Order by on All primary Keys and Segmentation on All primary keys
1. Created Table B manually
2. Alter table to add Primary Keys (set of keys as primary keys)
3. Check the projection created and it shows all primary keys in order by clause with same sequence and segmentation keys a
all primary keys in same sequence.
Is there a good document to understand this, on how vertica allocates / understands / materializes the segmentation keys and order by keys
I am looking to understand the characteristics of default super projection in terms of Order by Clause and Segmentation clause.
There is a note in documentation on this but in vertica 6 , but its not there in vertica 7.
I tried connecting this to my scenario and its is a vast difference.
1. Created table A manually
2. Alter table to add Primary keys (set of keys as primary keys)
3. Check the projection created and it shows order by on all primary keys but in slight different sequence and segmentation on just two primary keys.
Expected according to document - Order by on All primary Keys and Segmentation on All primary keys
1. Created Table B manually
2. Alter table to add Primary Keys (set of keys as primary keys)
3. Check the projection created and it shows all primary keys in order by clause with same sequence and segmentation keys a
all primary keys in same sequence.
Is there a good document to understand this, on how vertica allocates / understands / materializes the segmentation keys and order by keys