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Where I can download database designer for windows? — Vertica Forum

Where I can download database designer for windows?


  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hello Spartak,

    Database Designer is a Inbuilt Tool which comes bundled with Vertica., So it cannot be downloaded independently.
    Vertica does not support Windows OS.So Database Designer cannot be run from Windows.
    However, With Vertica 7, this is possible  with some workaround ( running Database designer through Windows).
    But first you need to install vsql client on Windows, If it is installed then Vertica 7 provides API support ( SQL commands to run Database designer commands ) from vsql terminal itself.

    More About Database Designer
    Basically Database designer is a unix based utility, It is built on Unix utility called 'Dialogue'
    Dialogue is GUI kind of utility which makes using database very easy. 
    It is not so flexible as other programming forms, but it is capable of making plain dialogue boxes, buttons, lists, calendar, decision making , etc.

    Hope this helps.

  • Yes, that answered most of my questions, thanks a lot!
    But i didn't get how to use database designer. Should I run it on server machine?
    I ask it, because I don't have access to the server, just connection string.
  • You can also use DBD from Vertica Management console. Its a web based app for monitoring and administering Vertica and provides access to DBD from browser.
  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hello Spartak,

    Three ways you can run database designer
    1. Typinig "admintools" on your server will open admintools and then you can navigate to database designer
    2. Using management console (most of the admintools features are included in management console
    3. Using Vertica Admintools SQL API ( New SQL commands to execute any command in admintools internally)

    More input on 2nd option can be found here,
    These SQL commands can be run through your SQL IDE on windows.

    Hope this helps

  • More input on 2nd option can be found here,
    These SQL commands can be run through your SQL IDE on windows.
    Some data didn't include?

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