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Join us next month in Boston to the second annual HP Vertica Big Data Conference! — Vertica Forum

Join us next month in Boston to the second annual HP Vertica Big Data Conference!

Do you have what it takes to #HackVertica?
Want to meet some of the engineers who have answered your questions here in the community?
Why not join our training classes and earn your Vertica certification?

Our keynote speakers will include Tom Davenport, big data visionary and best-selling author and Jim Cochrane, Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President of the US Postal Service. See some familiar faces from HP Vertica on the mainstage and learn from the best in our breakout sessions in four different tracks (technical, business, ecosystem and HAVEn). 

This year's conference will be held at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston, MA from Monday, August 11th to Thursday, August 14th. Be sure to get your passes today and join the conversation #HPBigData2014.

Register now!


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