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Too many parameters in the parameter collection. — Vertica Forum

Too many parameters in the parameter collection.

I am facing some issue in vertica 7 ADO.NET driver. Issue is specifically related to parameter. Some time i cannot execute a query with more than one parameter. it show an error like 'Too many parameters in the parameter collection.', Can anyone know the reason of this issue. 


  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    If you could elaborate a bit more what you are trying to achieve would help us find the solution.

  • K_YK_Y Vertica Customer
    edited September 2021

    In most cases, this error occurs when the SQL contains a "--" comment. In some cases, this error does not occur, and the cause is unknown.
    When I changed the comment of the SQL where the error occurred from "--" to "/* */", it started to work correctly.
    The error does not occur in normal SQL, but it occurs when VerticaParameter is used.

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