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Failed in restore data — Vertica Forum

Failed in restore data

I am a new guy to Vertica. I hava just one vertica node in EC2 for some experiment.One experiment item is data backup and restore. I hava read vertica offical documents,and try to do full backup  by using vbr.py.With some specical intention,I set the remote backup as  local machine, and the vbr.py said backup successfully.Than I copied  "backup files" to another remote EC2 instance with a new vertica node, and tried to restore data into this vertica node.For this intention I hacked some backup files.I had changed some filenames and some params in backup configure files. At last, when I tried to restore data by using vbr.py, I got an error below.
So really need your help.I wonder know why this error happend. 
---------------------------------------------------------  vbr.py output with debug=3  ---------------------------------------------------------    Enter vertica password for user vdba:   [{'dbHost': '', 'dbDir': '', 'dbNode': 'v_appinfo_node0001', 'backupHost': '', 'backupDir': '/opt/vertica/config/buckup'}]  {'port_rsync': 50000, 'scpBackup': ['scp'], 'dryrun': False, 'hardLinkLocal': False, 'optNodes': [], 'verticaBinDir': '/opt/vertica/bin', 'restorePointLimit': 1, 'downNodes': [], 'scpVertica': ['scp'], 'verticaConfig': 'True', 'fullTopology': [], 'archiveSpecified': '', 'objects': None, 'dbOptions': '', 'sshVertica': ['ssh', '-x'], 'configFileName': 'full.ini', 'nodeStates': {}, 'dbUser': 'vdba', 'checksum': False, 'bwlimit': 0, 'overwrite': True, 'topology': [{'dbHost': '', 'dbDir': '', 'dbNode': 'v_appinfo_node0001', 'backupHost': '', 'backupDir': '/opt/vertica/config/buckup'}], 'dbPort': None, 'dbPassword': 'eyespage!@#$%^', 'encrypt': False, 'sshBackup': ['ssh', '-x'], 'dbPromptForPassword': True, 'sqlCached': '', 'retryDelay': 1, 'logFileName': None, 'tmpDir': '/tmp/vbr', 'snapshotName': 'full', 'debug': 3, 'retryCount': 2, 'dbInitiator': None, 'dbName': 'appinfo', 'upNodes': [], 'copyCtx': 'backup'}  Preparing...  v_appinfo_node0001 /home/vdba/appinfo/v_appinfo_node0001_catalog  Found Database port:  5433   DB      | Host          | State   ---------+---------------+-------   appinfo | | DOWN        g["upNodes"]: []  g["downNodes"]: ['v_appinfo_node0001']  g["nodeStates"] {'v_appinfo_node0001': 'DOWN'}  new g["topology"] after filtering:  [{'backupDir': '/opt/vertica/config/buckup', 'dbHost': '', 'dbNode': 'v_appinfo_node0001', 'backupHost': '', 'dbDir': '/home/vdba/appinfo/v_appinfo_node0001_catalog'}]  set([('', True), ('', False)])  preparing on host  preparing on host  Recovering...  Copying...   31460 :: /opt/vertica/config/buckup/v_appinfo_node0001/full /home/vdba/appinfo/v_appinfo_node0001_catalog  31460: vbr client subproc on terminates with returncode 1. Details in vbr_v_appinfo_node0001_client.log on that host.   Error msg: Errors found in SAL or Catalog, check log for details.  bootstrap failed!    Child processes terminated abnormally.  restore failed!  cleaning up...  Retrying... #1  Recovering...  Copying...   530 :: /opt/vertica/config/buckup/v_appinfo_node0001/full /home/vdba/appinfo/v_appinfo_node0001_catalog  530: vbr client subproc on terminates with returncode 1. Details in vbr_v_appinfo_node0001_client.log on that host.   Error msg: Errors found in SAL or Catalog, check log for details.  bootstrap failed!    Child processes terminated abnormally.  restore failed!  cleaning up...  Retrying... #2  Recovering...  Copying...   1851 :: /opt/vertica/config/buckup/v_appinfo_node0001/full /home/vdba/appinfo/v_appinfo_node0001_catalog  1851: vbr client subproc on terminates with returncode 1. Details in vbr_v_appinfo_node0001_client.log on that host.   Error msg: Errors found in SAL or Catalog, check log for details.  bootstrap failed!    Child processes terminated abnormally.  restore failed!  cleaning up...


  • Hi Chen,

    Unfortunately what you are trying to do is not supported yet. If you are an enterprise customer I will recommend you to talk with Vertica Support and they may be able to do something but officially there is nothing that you can do to restore a backup in other instance. 

    Sorry =(

  • Hi Eugenia,

         Thanks very much for your tips. And I also want to know how to export full data from one instance to another instance, is there any tools can be using to do this job?
  • if you have both instance working you can do a vbr copy cluster, that is the same that the backup but it allows you to restore in a different IP/Cluster.

    If both instances are working you can also do a export (https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#Authoring/AdministratorsGuide/CopyExportData/Export...)

    The copy cluster should be faster because it sends the encoded and compressed files but the target instance should be down and both source a cluster have to have the same number of nodes.

    The export is useful when you have source and target of different size. In the export you have to do table by table so you will have to script to move all the objects and play with parallel copies.

  • Hi Eugenia!

    >> The copy cluster should be faster because...
    Are you talking about  copy_vertica_database.sh script?

  • No, the copy_vertica_database.sh it is an old script that is not longer supported.

    That script was replaced by the vbr.py with --task copy_cluster. The vbr is also the script to do the task backup and restore.


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