The problem with MC

 I have two databases on two different clusters under one MC. For one database operates as described in the documentation and for the other part of the functions work and some do not. 
On the Database and clusters page no performance graphs, on page Activity instead of useful information I see the message: "Monitoring Activities requires the database user have 
the DBADMIN role. See your database administrator for more details
and on Database designer's page I see the message: "Database Designer functionality requires the database user have the DBDUSER role. See your database administrator for more details".  User permissions are identical at different clusters the same. 

Advise me please, what do I check in MC parameters.


  • Hello Igor,


    There is a defect on Vertica and MC 7.01 that when MC and vertica clusters are on different networks, and if user imported the cluster using public IP of the cluster, Management Concole may not work correctly.  Is this your case?  This issue has been fix in 7.1.


    If you install management console, as a test, on one of the node of the clusters themselves (one MC per cluster), will you have same issue?




  • Hi, Han,

    You're right, we use MC 7.0.1 release. Thanks very much!

  • Hi Igor I installed vertica-console-7.1.0-0 in one of our servers and imported our production database. I am getting the same error. Is there a work around on this to resolve the issue?
  • Hi Maria

    We use to 7.0 release  now and we are waiting upgrade to 7.1. If you 'll have information about a work around, do you inform about it? Thanks in advance.

    BW, Igor
  • I install Vertica-console 9 and have the same issues when the Activity and Designer pages. I verify the user ID in vertica database has dbadmin role [show role('userID', 'dbadmin)]. The same ID is used to configure MC and login to MC. Any suggestion.

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator


    Can you verify that the dbadmin role is a default role for your user?

    select all_roles, default_roles from users where user_name = 'userID';

    Also, make sure that the Vertica agent is running on each node.The MC needs at least one agent to be running in order to validate/secure a connection to the database, but I always make sure its running on each node.

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