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multiple host to access through LDAP — Vertica Forum

multiple host to access through LDAP

Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
Hello All,

I am trying to use Vertica LDAP Security model on Vertica 7.1.

For accessing Vertica through LDAP, I did it correctly for one host and local.

These steps followed:
1. Created authentication record with bind method and host ip of the host which needs to be connected
2. Altered authentication record with all parameters for LDAP Server 
3. Grant authentication record to a user.

Questions is :
Suppose if a LDAP user will be accessing vertica from any client host, do I need to create as many authentication records for every client host, so in that All the steps above will be repeated for all client hosts with just change in 1st step's host IP ?

Is there a way where we can specify / create a authentication record with multiple host IP's  ?

Thanks in advance 


  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Got it.

    Just changing the first step .

    Creating authentication records with host ip as ''. This means Vertica can be accessed from any of the client Hosts.


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