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Error Vertica Upgrade from 6.1.3 to 7.0.2 — Vertica Forum

Error Vertica Upgrade from 6.1.3 to 7.0.2

I'm trying to upgrading vertica from 6.1.3 to 7.0.2 
I'm using community edition.
Doing it on RED HAT VMs.

During the update_vertica statement it is failing with the error below:
>> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...
Error: Command failed on '':
        VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce
        returncode = -1
System prerequisites failed.  Threshold = NONE
        Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold
Installation FAILED with errors.

[root@VERTICADC1 log]# pwd/opt/vertica/log
[root@VERTICADC1 log]# tail -f 10 adminTools-root.log
tail: cannot open '10' for reading: No such file or directory
==> adminTools-root.log <==
Aug 28 16:14:29  [433] <PexpectAdapter: root@>: <command hidden>
Aug 28 16:14:29  [433] backing up admintools.conf on
Aug 28 16:14:29  [433] backing up admintools.conf on
Aug 28 16:14:29  [433] <BashAdapter: root@>: <command hidden>
Aug 28 16:14:29  [433] <PexpectAdapter: root@>: <command hidden>
Aug 28 16:14:30  [433] <BashAdapter: root@>: ['VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce']
Aug 28 16:14:30  [433] <PexpectAdapter: root@>: VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce
Aug 28 16:16:30  [433] <PexpectAdapter: root@>: pexpect timeout
Aug 28 16:17:14  [433] <BashAdapter: root@>: (rc=0) []
Aug 28 16:17:14  [433] <PexpectAdapter: root@>: closeConnection
[root@VERTICADC1 log]#

Below is the statement output:
[root@VERTICADC1 ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica --failure-threshold NONE -r /stage/7.0.2/vertica-7.0.2-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm -u dbadmin -p dbpassword123 -P Manager123Vertica Analytic Database 7.0.2-1 Installation Tool

>> Validating options...

>> Starting installation tasks.
>> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...

Default shell on nodes: /bin/bash /bin/bash

>> Validating software versions (rpm or deb)...

>> Beginning new cluster creation...

backing up admintools.conf on
backing up admintools.conf on

>> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...

Successful on hosts (2):
    Provided DB Admin account details: user = dbadmin, group = verticadba, home = /home/dbadmin
    Creating group... Group already exists
    Validating group... Okay
    Creating user... User already exists
    Validating user... Okay

>> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

Error: Command failed on '':
        VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce
        returncode = -1
System prerequisites failed.  Threshold = NONE
        Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold

Installation FAILED with errors.

AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.
[root@VERTICADC1 ~]# 

Please let me know what to check and correct to get it going correct.



  • Hi Sundeep,

    Assuming the dbadmin user exists on both nodes, change the failure-threshold to HALT and omit the -u, -p, and -P arguments (you will be prompted for the root password to login to the other node) and re-run the update-vertica script.

  • I tried as mentioned in your comments but still the same error:

    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica --failure-threshold HALT -r /stage/7.0.2/vertica-7.0.2-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpmVertica Analytic Database 7.0.2-1 Installation Tool

    >> Validating options...

    >> Starting installation tasks.
    >> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...

    Default shell on nodes: /bin/bash /bin/bash

    >> Validating software versions (rpm or deb)...

    >> Beginning new cluster creation...

    backing up admintools.conf on
    backing up admintools.conf on

    >> Installing software (rpm or deb)...

    Installing rpm on 1 hosts....
    installing node....

    >> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...

    Successful on hosts (2):
        Provided DB Admin account details: user = dbadmin, group = verticadba, home = /home/dbadmin
        Creating group... Group already exists
        Validating group... Okay
        Creating user... User already exists
        Validating user... Okay

    >> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

    Error: Command failed on '':
            VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce
            returncode = -1
    System prerequisites failed.  Threshold = HALT
            Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold

    Installation FAILED with errors.

    AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
    Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.
    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]#

    Please update me wht else to try and see


  • Try running it again, but also omit the failure-threshold option.  Modifying failure threshold allows you to bypass system checks and continue installing (even though you may be bypassing a serious issue).  Please provide the complete list of failures, warnings, and hints that the installer is returning.
  • Its the same error output:

    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica -r /stage/7.0.2/vertica-7.0.2-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpmVertica Analytic Database 7.0.2-1 Installation Tool

    >> Validating options...

    >> Starting installation tasks.
    >> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...

    Default shell on nodes: /bin/bash /bin/bash

    >> Validating software versions (rpm or deb)...

    >> Beginning new cluster creation...

    backing up admintools.conf on
    backing up admintools.conf on

    >> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...

    Successful on hosts (2):
        Provided DB Admin account details: user = dbadmin, group = verticadba, home = /home/dbadmin
        Creating group... Group already exists
        Validating group... Okay
        Creating user... User already exists
        Validating user... Okay

    >> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

    Error: Command failed on '':
            VERT_DBA_USR=dbadmin VERT_DBA_HOME=/home/dbadmin VERT_DBA_GRP=verticadba /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.local_coerce
            returncode = -1
    System prerequisites failed.  Threshold = WARN
            Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold

    Installation FAILED with errors.

    AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
    Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.
    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]#

    Please update 


  • Can you verify that the firewall is disabled on .111. Or can you at least turn the firewall off temporarily and try and run the update-vertica script?
  • The firewall is disabled on both the nodes.

    But i stopped them again as below and ran the update_vertica statement. Now i got different erros:


    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]# service iptables stop

    iptables: Flushing firewall rules:                         [  OK  ]

    iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat mangle filte[  OK  ]

    iptables: Unloading modules:                               [  OK  ]

    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]# chkconfig iptables off

    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]#

    [root@VERTICADC2 ~]# service iptables stop

    iptables: Flushing firewall rules:                         [  OK  ]

    iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat mangle filte[  OK  ]

    iptables: Unloading modules:                               [  OK  ]

    [root@VERTICADC2 ~]#

    [root@VERTICADC2 ~]# chkconfig iptables off

    [root@VERTICADC2 ~]#


    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica -r /stage/7.0.2/vertica-7.0.2-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm

    Vertica Analytic Database 7.0.2-1 Installation Tool

    >> Validating options...

    >> Starting installation tasks.

    >> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...

    Default shell on nodes: /bin/bash /bin/bash

    >> Validating software versions (rpm or deb)...

    >> Beginning new cluster creation...

    backing up admintools.conf on

    backing up admintools.conf on

    >> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...

    Successful on hosts (2):

        Provided DB Admin account details: user = dbadmin, group = verticadba, home = /home/dbadmin

        Creating group... Group already exists

        Validating group... Okay

        Creating user... User already exists

        Validating user... Okay

    >> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

    Failures during local (OS) configuration for verify-

        HINT (S0151): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0151

            These disks do not have known IO schedulers:

            '/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_home' ('') = '',

            '/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_root' ('') = ''

        HINT (S0305): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0305

            TZ is unset for dbadmin. Consider updating .profile or .bashrc

        WARN (S0170): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0170

            lvscan (LVM utility) indicates some active volumes.

        FAIL (S0150): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0150

            These disks do not have 'deadline' or 'noop' IO scheduling: '/dev/sdd1'

            ('sda') = 'cfq', '/dev/sdc1' ('sda') = 'cfq', '/dev/sdb1' ('sda') =

            'cfq', '/dev/sda1' ('sda') = 'cfq'

        FAIL (S0020): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0020

            Readahead size of sda (/dev/sdd1,/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdb1,/dev/sda1) is too

            low for typical systems: 256 < 2048 Readahead size of

            (/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_home,/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_root) is

            too low for typical systems: 256 < 2048

        FAIL (S0310): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0310

            Transparent hugepages is set to 'always'. Must be 'never' or 'madvise'.

    Failures during local (OS) configuration for verify-

        HINT (S0151): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0151

            These disks do not have known IO schedulers:

            '/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_home' ('') = '',

            '/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_root' ('') = ''

        HINT (S0305): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0305

            TZ is unset for dbadmin. Consider updating .profile or .bashrc

        WARN (S0170): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0170

            lvscan (LVM utility) indicates some active volumes.

        FAIL (S0150): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0150

            These disks do not have 'deadline' or 'noop' IO scheduling: '/dev/sdd1'

            ('sda') = 'cfq', '/dev/sdc1' ('sda') = 'cfq', '/dev/sdb1' ('sda') =

            'cfq', '/dev/sda1' ('sda') = 'cfq'

        FAIL (S0020): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0020

            Readahead size of sda (/dev/sdd1,/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdb1,/dev/sda1) is too

            low for typical systems: 256 < 2048 Readahead size of

            (/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_home,/dev/mapper/vg_rhelx8664-lv_root) is

            too low for typical systems: 256 < 2048

        FAIL (S0310): https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0310

            Transparent hugepages is set to 'always'. Must be 'never' or 'madvise'.

    System prerequisites failed.  Threshold = WARN

            Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold

    Installation FAILED with errors.


    AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.

    Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.


    [root@VERTICADC1 ~]#


    Please update



  • Ok, now make sure the firewalls are off, and re-run with failure-threshold = HALT.  The firewall was blocking something, but the installer check was failing for some reason.
  • it worked
    thanks for your help

  • You're welcome! Keep in mind that you can improve performance if you fix the issues marked as FAIL. 

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