Error configuring Cluster in Management Console
I have verified I can ssh as dbadmin without providing a password.
But when I try to "validate Hosts" in the Manage Console (MC) It show this error:
Validate hosts failed. Reason: SqlMapClient operation; SQL[];--- The error occurred in create-cluster-step-sqlmap.xml.--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.--- Check the createClusterStep.deleteByHostId-InlineParameterMap.--- Check the statement (update failed).--- Cause: java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: Container was opened in read-only mode.; nested exception is com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:--- The error occurred in create-cluster-step-sqlmap.xml.--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.--- Check the createClusterStep.deleteByHostId-InlineParameterMap.--- Check the statement (update failed).--- Cause: java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: Container was opened in read-only mode.
In "Show Detail" it show another error:
Success: Test: Validating Ping: INFO: Ping succeeded.
Error: Test: Validating SSH connection: ERROR: athentication failed for user root. Could be because SELinux is enabled on the host OR a wrong private key is being used. If the problem still persists, please contact your administrator or HP/Vertica support.
My question is: why this second error indicates "failed for user root"? The default user is dbadmin, and I have configure ssh by dbadmin.
I have reviewed the requirements for MC several times but the problem persist.
I hope you can help me.