Error changing RSA Key in the MC
I've create another RSA key for SSH connection, but when I want to change the current RSA Key in the MC it return this error:
Vertica binary upload failed. Reason: Failed to encrypt PEM file, will not persiste pem file content!
When I'm creating the cluster, at the bottom of the MC, appears: the rpm package installation, the license file, and the private key file. Clicking on the private key file I can change it, but when I select the new private key is when the error appears.
I have created this new private key on a node using the expression:
ssh-keygen-t rsa q f ~ / .ssh / id_rsa-N '
The MC version is: HP Vertica Management Console v7.0.0
The Vertica version is: 7.0.2
Can you help me?