Avoid Vertica broadcast storm
For last 4 hours I am trying to find out how to reconfigure already installed Vertica cluster to use only point-to-point transfer. Setting controlmode = pt2pt, controlsubnet = default has no effect. (install_vertica with -T flag as well)
Would suggest to do these changes when all the nodes are up and running.
select set_control_mode('pt2pt');
select reload_spread(true);
Below steps are not mandatory but suggested to keep track of the changes
Edit /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf file to modify
controlmode = broadcast
controlmode = pt2pt
Use admintools distribute database configuration and admintools metadata to all nodes.
We consider something to be a "large cluster" which requires that flag be specified during the installation, at somewhere around 30-40 nodes. Other environmental factors can drive that as well - such as the number of routers or switches, or latency between nodes. Some small clusters require this type of configuration, and Amazon clusters require it be default.