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Error installing Vertica in RedHat — Vertica Forum

Error installing Vertica in RedHat


I have 3 identical redhat machines with the same configuration. I have done all the previous steps before installation but when I insert the command:

/ opt / Vertica / sbin / install_vertica --hosts,, --rpm vertica.rpm u dbadmin

I get the message:

Vertica Analytic Database 7.0.2-1 Installation Tool
Validating options ... >>
Mapping hostnames in --hosts (s) included to addresses ...
Starting >> installation tasks.
Getting system information for >> cluster (this May take a while) ...
Enter password for mymachine@ (3 Attempts left):

I enter the password but I get the error:

Error: failed to get system information for all hosts
         ( This operating system is not supported Could not be detected or
Hint: May be hidden additional failures.
Installation FAILED with errors.
Installation stopped before any changes Were Made.

Someone could tell me how can I fix this error?



  • Hello Dani,

    At your earliest convenience, please send us the results of the following command:
    cat /etc/redhat-release<BR /><BR />Thanks,<BR />Rory<BR />
  • The result is the same for all machines:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)

    Thanks Rory
  • Hello Dani,

    Thanks for the response. From the Supported Platforms section of the 7.0.x documentation (http://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/PDF/HP_Vertica_7.0.x_Supported_Platforms.pdf), the latest version of Red Hat we support is 6. However, Vertica 7.1.x currently does support Red Hat 6.5:


  • so, I have to install "vertica-7.0.2-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm" package?
  • Hello Dani,

    So, after speaking with a colleague, it appears that we do in fact support Red Hat 6.5 running Vertica 7.0. The documentation is a bit vague, so I will try to have that cleared up. Sorry for the confusion on my end. At your earliest convenience, please send us the output of the installer log in the /opt/vertica/logs directory that coincides with the latest installation attempt.

    Sorry again for the confusion on my part.

  • Hello,
    The last log is called "adminTools-root.log". These are the last lines:

  • Finally I decided to create the cluster using de Management Console, but I have a problem when validating nodes. This error is:

    - Validation Group: Preparing for Validation
    Success: Test: Validating Ping: INFO: Ping succeeded
    Error: Test: Validating SSH connection: ERROR: Athentication failed for user root. Could be Because SELinux is enabled on the host OR a wrong private key is being used. If the problem still Persists, Please contact your administrator or HP / Vertica support.

    I have checked that SELinux is disabled and I have created the public and private keys. I have copied the public keys in all the nodes and the private key in the MC. But this error persist.

    Could you help me?

    Thank you,

  • Can you run getenforce and see its output. Use setenforce to change it to Permissive.
  • I have changed it to Permissive but the error persist.

    Any other ideas or anything that I could try?

    Thanks Siddarth,

  • Check firewall settings as well. Stop IPtables and then try.  Did you changed to Permissive in every node?
  • Siddarth, I changed to Permissive in one node because now I'm trying to validate this node. This is the same node where I have installed the MC.
    Moreover, I've already tried it with all ports open, and the firewall stopped.
    I've checked the manual and I think I've done all the steps...

    Coud be a problem with user or permissions?

  • It may be a possibility. Can you now try to install from within the node instead of using MC?
  • The error persist...
  • Ensure you can ssh as root without providing a password ( using RSA keys) across all hosts. Only when this works ( fix the RSA connection issues first) , then proceed with the install. 
  • I have verified I can ssh as dbadmin without providing a password.

    But when I try to "validate Hosts" in the Manage Console (MC) It show this error:

    Validate hosts failed. Reason: SqlMapClient operation; SQL[];--- The error occurred in create-cluster-step-sqlmap.xml.--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.--- Check the createClusterStep.deleteByHostId-InlineParameterMap.--- Check the statement (update failed).--- Cause: java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: Container was opened in read-only mode.; nested exception is com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:--- The error occurred in create-cluster-step-sqlmap.xml.--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.--- Check the createClusterStep.deleteByHostId-InlineParameterMap.--- Check the statement (update failed).--- Cause: java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: Container was opened in read-only mode.

    In "Show Detail" it show another error:

    Success: Test: Validating Ping: INFO: Ping succeeded.
    Error: Test: Validating SSH connection: ERROR: athentication failed for user root. Could be because SELinux is enabled on the host OR a wrong private key is being used. If the problem still persists, please contact your administrator or HP/Vertica support.

    My question is: why this second error indicates "failed for user root"? The default user is dbadmin, and I have configure ssh by dbadmin.

    I hope you can help me.


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