
Problem getting Vertica to work with php PDO

Hello there, for the last two days, I've been struggling with a very strange bug while I'm connecting with Vertica using php PDO. You see, the following script works:

$stmt = $c->prepare("SELECT * FROM myClients WHERE ClientNum = 88");

After that, I loop through the results and display them no problem. This basically means my connection is correct (otherwise I wouldn't get anything out of the database). On the other hand, the following makes the Apache server reset the connection completely (no error message whatsoever and nothing in the error log):

$stmt = $c->prepare("SELECT * FROM myClients WHERE ClientNum = :cl");
$stmt->bindValue(":cl", 88);

The problem is present both in Linux and Windows and I'm using Vertica version 7.0.2-1 along with the corresponding ODBC driver. Did anyone ever get this error?

Thanks in advance,



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    You had asked this question on Stack Overflow. I'll say it again, you need error handling to generate an actual error. Guessing what could be wrong is just not realistic.
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    Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    Can you put the entire php code including the connection string do a quick test in our lab and reproduce the issue?

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    Here's the complete code for my test script (note that I obfuscated some of the parameter in the connection string for security purposes).

    $c = new PDO("odbc:Driver=Vertica;Server=;Port=5433;Database=db;", "MyUser", "MyPassword");
    $c->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
    //$c->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

        $stmt = $c->prepare("SELECT * FROM myClients WHERE ClientNum = :cl");
        $stmt->bindValue(":cl", 88);

        while($res = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
            echo $res['noClient'] . "<br>";
    catch(Exception $e)
        echo $e->getMessage();

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    So in the end, I was able to program my way around the problem with some wrapper classes. I posted my code on stackoverflow. Here's the link:


    I hope this helps.

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