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Where can I download Vertica 6.0 server? — Vertica Forum

Where can I download Vertica 6.0 server?


  • Please try the following URL and let us know if this does not work?



  • No that link does not work.
  • Do you have an account with Vertica that allows you to get to the legacy versions? If not you will need to take the latest CE 7.x. If so, you should use your credentials provided when you signed up for Vertica and log into my.vertica.com to get the latest 6.0.x version.


  • Yes I have an account with Vertica.
    At my.vertica.com where is version 6.0?
  • If you are a Vertica-HP software paying customer then using your credentials -> Go to my.vertica.com and click on the download page and on the right hand side you should see the list of available documentation and downloads. If you do not see the list then you are not logged in with the correct account and should contact your sales person in which you received the account from. If you see the list then just click on 6.0 downloads.

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