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Question about install HP Vertica Community Edition Software Downloads — Vertica Forum

Question about install HP Vertica Community Edition Software Downloads

Hello All, I am trying to install HP Vertica Community Edition Software Downloads ( and downloaded Download HP Vertica 7.0.2 Client Packages for the Community Edition windows 64 bit). I need direction what to do next or before because when I am trying to access vsql.exe from bin it's disappearing quickly. Thanks,


  • wwong2wwong2 Employee
    Hi, will the Vertica documentation help?  You can review the topic you need to look into,  see link http://my.vertica.com/docs/7.0.x/HTML/index.htm

  • Hi,

    How are you trying to execute vsql?

    What I would suggest:

    1. Open a command prompt session. (Windows Logo Key --> Run --> Type "Command" and press return key)
    2. Type vsql -h <vertica node ip> -U <vertica username> -w <password>

    If this goes fine, you should see Vertica vsql=> prompt.

  • Hello There Pravesh,

    Thanks for your note.  I tried and got "The Syntax of the command is incorrect.

    I just downloaded the downloaded Download HP Vertica 7.0.2 Client Packages for the Community Edition windows 64 bit from vertica website.  Wondering did I skip other things and that might be the issue.  

    If you can guide me step by step what are the things I have to install that will be wonderful.


    Ana Biswas
  • Hello There,  

    I thought community Edition will be much easier and I won't need any license so I am just trying to install it from there.  I just want to practice few things.  If you can direct me where to go or if you know if there is a sandbox available for vertica (just like Mongo DB) that will be awesome.

    Thanks for your help.

  • wwong2wwong2 Employee
    Hi Ana, there is a VM environment you can download over at the Download tab on my.vertica.com, if that helps.  It is is preinstalled with the software and there is information about it in documentation that will give you more info about it.
  • Hello Wayne,

    Thank you so much for your information.  Are you refering Download HP Vertica 7.0.1 Virtual Machines on my.vertica.com?

    So this will give me the leverage to practice all useful code in here?


  • wwong2wwong2 Employee
    Yes, that is one.  Vertica is preinstalled.

    Also, HP Vertica virtual machines are not supported in a production environment. The VMs are provided for evaluation purposes.
  • Thank you Wayne, wondering if I want to download HP Vertica Community Edition Software and I have already downloaded HP Vertica 7.0.2 Client Packages for the Community Edition.

    Now my quesitons are 1) where should I go from here

    2) Do I need to download any Download the HP Vertica 7.0.2 Management Console Front End

    3) Add HP Vertica Connectors, Plugins and Packages or drivers?


    Ana Biswas
  • Hello There Pravesh,

    I was wondering in this case what will be my server?  User name & password?  it should be provided since it's community version?



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