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I was exploring the the FLEX EXTERNAL table option. Does it have a way to refer the data set on clie — Vertica Forum

I was exploring the the FLEX EXTERNAL table option. Does it have a way to refer the data set on clie

I was exploring the the FLEX EXTERNAL table option . Does it have a way to refer the data set on client? As the LOCAL keyword is not allowed?


  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    Hi Anant -

    I think it would result a very in-efficient query. The data would have to travel from the client - over the network - to the Vertica cluster *every time* that flex table would be queried.

    I would not even consider this idea. And the Vertica architects, rightly, in my eyes, would not even consider such a possibility to become a necessity.

    First, load a table in Vertica, using a COPY <table> FROM LOCAL '<file>'.

    Then, query it as often as you need.

    Cheers -


  • Thanks Marco.This completely makes sense and I agree with you.

    My question was that Vertica provides Local external load feature to reference data from external table for structured data even from client, however I am unable to find a similar feature with the flex external table. Is there a specific reason other then the size and network congestion?


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