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Where can I download the VMart scripts and data? — Vertica Forum

Where can I download the VMart scripts and data?

HI, by accident I deleted my examples directory. Is there a place where I can download the scripts? I used the VMart db extensively for my tests and need it asap. All your help or suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you


  • Hi Val,

    The Vmart example is part of the distribution. You can extract the Vmart example from the rpm without a complete reinstall using syntax similar to below. I create a dir and cd to it, then run this command passing rpm2cpio it the path/filename of the rpm distribution and cpio the specific path and file(s) I want to extract. The end result is in the current dir I have /opt/vertica/examples/Vmart_Schema and all it's files.

    cd ~
    mkdir vexamples
    cd vexamples
    rpm2cpio /home/dbadmin/vertica-6.1.2-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm | cpio -iumd ./opt/vertica/examples/*

    I hope it helps.
  • Thank you!


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