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Upgrade R from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 — Vertica Forum

Upgrade R from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1


I am using Vertica 7.0.2-1 and R3.0.0.

Can you please point me to the procedure to upgrade R to 3.0.1 in order to be able to install Distributed R?

Thanks in advance.


  • Have you installed Distributed R before? If not will recommend to follow Distributed R installation guide. 
  • Have you installed Distributed R before? If not will recommend to follow Distributed R installation guide. 
  • Nimmi_guptaNimmi_gupta - Select Field - Employee
    Have you installed Distributed R before? If not will recommend to follow Distributed R installation guide. 
  • Hello,
    of course I have read the installation instructions.

    Please find below more details:

    [root@kbcvertica01 distributedR-0.7.0]# rpm -Uvh vertica-distributedR-0.7.0-0.1.el6.x86_64.rpm
    Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
       1:vertica-distributedR   ########################################### [100%]
    mkdir: created directory '/tmp/distributedR_addons'
    Installing Rcpp_0.11.2.tar.gz
    Installing RInside_0.2.11.tar.gz
    Installing XML_3.98-1.1.tar.gz
    Installing data.table_1.8.10.tar.gz
    Installing randomForest_4.6-7.tar.gz
    Installing distributedR
    Installing Executor
    Installing MatrixHelper
    Installing HPDGLM
    ... error
    warning: %post(vertica-distributedR-0.7.0-0.1.el6.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

    and when doing less /tmp/distributedR_addons/vertica_distributedR_addon_install.log

    I get the following:
    Installing HPDGLM
    * installing to library â/opt/vertica/R/libraryâ
    ERROR: this R is version 3.0.0, package 'HPDGLM' requires R >= 3.0.1

    Kindly advise on the next step.

    Many thanks in advance!

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