MC reports Node State Change for no apparent reason

I am running Vertica 7.1 SP2 on two different clusters one 3 nodes and one 4 nodes, which both seems to work fine.
Both clusters are using a dedicated 10GB network for internal traffic, which does not show any problems of errors or retransmission.
But in the MC, I see random "Node State Change",for all  nodes at  the same time, and also "Spread retransmit rate over threshold 20%"

When I look into vertica.log for the nodes, I do not see anything related to this alarm.

Any suggestion for these alarms, which to me look false alarms ?


  • This issue is addressed in a later release than the one that you are running, which should be 7.1.0-2.
  • Thanks for replying,

    Is this release available, if yes how can I get it ?
  • Yes, it is the current release available.
  • Hi Luc,

    Those issues have been fixed from the server side in the latest release.


  • Hi,

    I confirm that these alarms have disappeared with 7.1.1

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