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Calculating License Size — Vertica Forum

Calculating License Size

Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
Hello All,

I was trying to figure it out about the License Size.
I know its calculated on Raw data size.

What exactly is the definition of Raw Data here ?
1. Total data loaded through COPY statement, this data might come through FILES / other sources(Databases)
2. Data loaded internally, from one table to another using the insert / UPDATE/ MERGE statement.

Which one holds true for Calculating Raw data size.



  • For the purpose of license size audit and enforcement, HP Vertica evaluates the raw data size as if the data had been exported from the database in text format
  • Abhishek_RanaAbhishek_Rana Vertica Employee Employee

    How raw data is calculated is already documented. Here is the some part of explanation for you:

    HP Vertica uses statistical sampling to calculate an accurate estimate of the raw data size of the database. In this context, raw data means the uncompressed, unfederated data stored in a single HP Vertica database. For the purpose of license size audit and enforcement, HP Vertica evaluates the raw data size as if the data had been exported from the database in text format, rather than as compressed data.
    HP Vertica conducts your database size audit using statistical sampling. This method allows HP Vertica to estimate the size of the database without significantly impacting database performance. The trade-off between accuracy and impact on performance is a small margin of error, inherent in statistical sampling.

    Not all data in the HP Vertica database is evaluated as part of the raw data size. Specifically, HP Vertica excludes the following data:

    *Multiple projections (underlying physical copies) of data from a logical database entity (table). *ata  appearing in multiple projections of the same table is counted only once.
    *Data stored in temporary tables.
    *Data accessible through external table definitions.
    *Data that has been deleted, but which remains in the database. To understand more about  deleting and purging data, see Purging Deleted Data.
    *Data stored in the WOS.
    *Data stored in system and work tables such as monitoring tables, Data Collector tables, and  Database Designer tables.

  • Could I request that responses with excerpts from the documentation are actually quoted as such? When a Vertica employee responds to a post, I have an expectation it's their own words. It adds no value to the discussion, in my opinion.
  • Could I request that links to documentation are for the latest version unless the OP explicitly mentions otherwise?

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