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Why does vsql can return all the records, while program using ODBC driver can't? — Vertica Forum

Why does vsql can return all the records, while program using ODBC driver can't?

I do a simple test for Vertica:

ha=> insert into test(Name, City) values( 'Nan', 'Nanjing');   OUTPUT   --------        1  (1 row)    ha=> select node_name, wos_row_count, ros_row_count from projection_storage where anchor_table_name = 'test';     node_name   | wos_row_count | ros_row_count   ---------------+---------------+---------------   v_ha_node0001 |             1 |             3  (1 row)    ha=> select * from test;     ID   | Name |  City     --------+------+---------   250001 | Nan  | Nanjing   250002 | Nan  | Nanjing   250003 | Nan  | Nanjing   250004 | Nan  | Nanjing  (4 rows)  

The select operation displays OK (the data in WOS and ROSall display).

Then I write a simple program which uses ODBC:

ret = SQLExecDirect(stmt_handle, (SQLCHAR*)"select * from test", SQL_NTS);  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))  {      printf("Execute statement failed\n");      goto ERR;  }    while ((ret = SQLFetch(stmt_handle)) == SQL_SUCCESS)  {      row_num++;  }    printf("Row number is %d\n", row_num);  

But the result is:

Row number is 3  

It doesn’t count the data in WOS.

And the DbVisualizer also displays 3 rows of data: 

Does it need some special option for using ODBC? Thanks very much in advance!


  • Hi!

    GOTO???  Very interesting.

    How row_num variable is initialized?  If its initialized to ZERO so you got correct answer - you counts rows starts from ZERO:
    0 => row 1 1 => row 2 2 => row 3 ... n => row [n-1] 
    >>> rows = [
    ... 'row 01',
    ... 'row 02',
    ... 'row 03',
    ... 'row 04']
    >>> for (row_index, row) in enumerate(rows):
    ... print 'Row index is: {:0>3}\t but row order is: {}'.format(row_index, row)
    Row index is: 000 but row order is: row 01
    Row index is: 001 but row order is: row 02
    Row index is: 002 but row order is: row 03
    Row index is: 003 but row order is: row 04
    About DBViz:
    Check against Vertica system tables what query DBViz sends to Vertica.

    System Tables:
    * sessions
    * query_requests

    Also you can find DBViz queries in a ODBC log file.

    Best, Idiot.

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