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Where are database comments stored? — Vertica Forum

Where are database comments stored?

When creating a database, there is a field for comments in the admintools UI:
 Vertica Analytic Database 7.1.0-1 Administration Tools  +------------------------------------------------------+-  | Create Database                                      |  | +--------------------------------------------------+ |  | |Database name:                                    | |  | |Comments:                                         | |  | |                                                  | |  | |                                                  | |  | |                                                  | |  | |                                                  | |  | |                                                  | |  | |                                                  | |  | +--------------------------------------------------+ |  +------------------------------------------------------+  |         <  OK  >    < Cancel >    < Help >           |  +------------------------------------------------------+
Where are these comments stored?


  • Seems like we had an internal conversation about this not too long. I'm not sure anyone actually found them. 

    There is a table called "comments" but it seems it doesn't actually store the database comments. I was under the impression that it did at one time, but someone with an older version verified that it did not. 

    So, apparently, database comments are getting filed away into the proverbial bit bucket, it would seem.

  • I have no test it  ! , did you try  look into the Comments.txt file ?  its located in /opt/vertica/bin/help
  • I did some testing and found that the comment created during database creation does not get saved to any file in help.
  • I then have an enhancement request to make this field functional.
  • Hi Norbert,

    I will try it on my database if needed I will file an enchantment request on this.


  • Thank you very much!

  • Hi Norbert,

    Enchantment request has been filed.



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