Backup failed in vertica 7.1 community edition with error "ulimit: Illegal option -u"

Hi All,

I am testing a scenario of backup-restore in vertica 7.1. I wanted to verify that it is possible to create backup on one server and restore on another server for ( both servers have same topology) . I have read that it is possible if I create empty database on another server then I can restore it there.

Unfortunately when I try to take backup in vertica 7.1 then I get error
/bin/sh: 1: ulimit: Illegal option -u
backup failed unexpectedly!

I have default shell as /bin/bash. Could someone tell me where could be issue ?


  • What is the OS this being run on?
  • Hi Raul,

    Version is Ubuntu release 12.04.
  • ls -l /bin/sh should reveal the problem.

  • Hi Raul,

    Thanks for the help. sh was soft-linked with dash. Vertica supports only /bin/bash so I had to recreate proper link to resolve this issue.

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