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shp_loader.sql fails with SEGFAULT — Vertica Forum

shp_loader.sql fails with SEGFAULT

My Vertica installation is 7.1, and so is the Place package.

In the example directory of the Place package, every query file works fine except the shp_loader.sql which prompts: 
vsql:shp_loader.sql:5: ERROR 3399:  Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeSetup(): UDx side process has exited abnormally

I checked the log, and log says it received signal 11 which is a SEG FAULT. 

What went wrong ?


  • Hi Ablimit,

    Could you tell us a little bit more about your setup, including hardware? Is there an "ErrorReport.txt" file with the log?

    We haven't been able to reproduce your error and if you could give us some more information we could get closer to the source of the issue.
  • Hi Casey!

    I can reproduce same error with Java UDx when wrong path are defined for java binary.



    Can you please let me know what type of file it is?

    Is it related to shp file related to geo datic geography file.


    I am facing probably similar issue where i am unable to load shp file.


    On executing copy command, COPY command is neither throwing any error nor it is loading the data.


    In advance thanks.


    With regards,


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