My bulk load has failed or hung up in between when I was running multiple COPY from a big file with 1100 tables. I need to restart but I need to list all the tables and num_rows under each.
That's a rather basic SQL-generating-SQL task; remember to do similar things whenever you end up having with a problem that affects all tables in a schema.
With vsql, go: \t ( "Showing only tuples"), then \o count_my_tabrows.sql. Then, run this query (replacing 'public' with your schema name, obviously:
select 'select '''||table_name||''', count(*) as rownum from '||table_name||';' from tables where table_schema='public';
This query once run, re-direct the output to a report text file:
That's a rather basic SQL-generating-SQL task; remember to do similar things whenever you end up having with a problem that affects all tables in a schema.
With vsql, go: \t ( "Showing only tuples"), then \o count_my_tabrows.sql. Then, run this query (replacing 'public' with your schema name, obviously:
This query once run, re-direct the output to a report text file:
\o row_count_report.txt
... and run your freshly created script:
\I count_my_tabrows.sql
Happy playing ...
dbadmin=> select * from load_streams;