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window_frame_clause and Max — Vertica Forum

window_frame_clause and Max

Going by the definition of Max function in vertica doc 

expression ) OVER (   ... [ window_partition_clause ]   ... [ window_order_clause ]  ... [ window_frame_clause ] ) we need to also specify window_frame_clause       But if we look at the example :    SELECT employee_state, annual_salary,  MAX ( [ DISTINCT ] 
     MAX(annual_salary)          OVER(PARTITION BY employee_state ORDER BY employee_key) max,            annual_salary- MAX(annual_salary)          OVER(PARTITION BY employee_state ORDER BY employee_key) diff      FROM employee_dimension      WHERE employee_state = 'MA';    employee_state | annual_salary |  max   |  diff  
----------------+---------------+--------+---------   MA             |          1918 | 995533 | -993615   MA             |          2058 | 995533 | -993475   MA             |          2586 | 995533 | -992947   MA             |          2500 | 995533 | -993033   MA             |          1318 | 995533 | -994215   MA             |          2072 | 995533 | -993461   MA             |          2656 | 995533 | -992877   MA             |          2148 | 995533 | -993385   MA             |          2366 | 995533 | -993167   MA             |          2664 | 995533 | -992869  (10 rows)      Now as per document:     If you omit the window_frame_clause, the default window isRANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW.    In the above example shouldnt it be the case we  need to specify RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.

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