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Unable to download Vertica Client 7.0 or 6.1.3 for Windows 64 bits — Vertica Forum

Unable to download Vertica Client 7.0 or 6.1.3 for Windows 64 bits

Hello everyone,

I'm unable to download Vertica Client 7.0 or 6.1.3 for Windows 64 bits or just the ODBC Driver.
My vertica version is 7.0.1-0.

In the download page on myvertica.com or in the Haven MarketPlace there is no valid link to download it.

Best Regards.

Benyamine Samah


  • Vertica downloads for community edition users are now part of the HAVEN marketplace here: https://haven.hpwsportal.com/catalog.html#/Home/Show

    I see that what you're looking for is available under Vertica Platform, give it a go and let me know if further help is needed.

  • Unfortunately, there is no Vertica Client 7.0 or 6.1.3 for Windows 64 bits in the haven marketplace.
  • Isn't this what you're looking for: https://haven.hpwsportal.com/catalog.html#/Product/{%22productId%22%3A%221714%22}/Show  (Called Windows 64 bit, in case link does not work)

  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hi Steve,

    I think the link you are pointing to shows the Client driver for Vertica 7.1.1.
    Samah is looking for Client driver for 7.0 or 6.1.3.

    You can check installing 32 bit driver from myvertica.com for Vertica 7.0.

    Hope this helps.
  • It's exactly that Navin, the main problem is the version of the client. 

    In myvertica.com, there is only different download for vertica 7.1.1. The section about the 6.x and 7.0 driver is not working.

    If somebody have an issue, this can helps me a lot.


    Benyamine Samah
  • Hi Samah,

    Indeed the download section on the site for these versions is not working, for which we apologize. If you are an enterprise client, please open a support case and we would provide you with means to get the required older version.

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