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Windows connectivity — Vertica Forum

Windows connectivity

I've Downloaded and Installed the 64 bit Windows Connectivity Pack for 7.1, however the  "Pack" only seems to contain the ADO .net drivers.

Some background is that I have downloaded the Virtual Appliance, and configured it for our environment.  I created a database, and am in the process of loading up data using Talend.  Next we need to do some performance comparisons with out current Database.  

Our clients run Windows, so I tried installing the "Pack" as most of the posts I have read say to use ODBC.  When I opened up the 64 bit ODBC Administrator, the drivers don't show up in the drivers tab.  So I looked at the installation folder(C:\Program Files\Vertica Systems) and other than the plugin folder there is only an ADO.Net folder.(also note that the only driver option on the setup screen is for ADO)

So while the documentation says it contains the ODBC driver, I'm guessing someone forgot to put it in.  I really need the ODBC drivers(or OLE would be fine too) to evaluate whether or not Vertica offers the kind of performance that would warrant migrating our DWH.


  • Hi, 

    I just download the packages and does include all the drivers except ado.net. The Ado.net is a separated packages for what I think that you download only that package.

    You have to download the vertica-client-7.1xxx.exe packages, does have vsql, odbc and jdbc drivers. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • Hi Eugena,

    I downloaded from this page,

    I click the "HP Vertica Connectivity Pack for Microsoft, 64-Bit" link under the "HP Vertica 7.1.1 Connectors, Plugins and Packages" section.

    Could you give me a link to the file you are referring to.

  • Any update on this?  It would be nice to be able to download the drivers so I can continue evaluating.

  • Hi 


    You can download the same from below link:





    Under this link you can find "Download HP Vertica 7.1.1 Client Packages".Depending on yous OS flavour you can choose & download.


    Let me know if faces any issues while locating the same.




    Rahul Choudhary

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