CONNECT TO Vertica with same database names
Hello everyone!
I'm having the following issue:
I have two Vertica 7.1 clusters with equal database names: DWH.
I'm establishing connection from one cluster to another via CONNECT TO:
DWH=> connect to vertica DWH USER ETLUSER PASSWORD 'SomePassword' on 'remote_host',5433;
Then I'm trying to query data from remote_host:
DWH=> select count(1) from DWH.WORKSCHEMA.TEST_TABLE;
(1 row)
But in fact it is NOT empty! When i connect to remote_host via VSQL and execute the same query, it returns non-zero value. So, my guess is that vertica sees equal database names and queries her local table WORKSCHEMA.TEST_TABLE instead of remote table from established connection. Local table IS empty.
I don't know, whether it is a Vertica bug or my misunderstandment.
Please, can anyone suggest the way to export data from one host to another via CONNECT\EXPORT without renaming databases? May be there is a way to create an alias for connection, like db_link in Oracle RDBMS.
Any help is appreciated!