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UTM coordinates to Lat LON Co-ordinates Coonversion — Vertica Forum

UTM coordinates to Lat LON Co-ordinates Coonversion

Hi All,


I have a data available in UTM as shonw below:


POLYGON ((-8859832.57849 7724344.49728, -8859819.45392 7724340.87617, -8859800.44056 7724328.64986, -8859763.31551 7724322.77066, -8859741.58594 7724310.99193, -8859714.43512 7724282.47079, -8859702.65751 7724254.41765, -8859721.22561 7724249.88114, -8859697.22512 7724233.13883, -8859703.11392 7724218.18673, -8859721.67088 7724218.18673, -8859754.26523 7724249.4336, -8859748.37643 7724263.91786, -8859786.85958 7724283.38623, -8859821.2573 7724295.61247, -8859840.27067 7724315.97602, -8859833.48018 7724328.64986, -8859832.57849 7724344.49728))


I want to convert this values into Lat log and then use it for further calculation as all the functions in vertica supports lat lon as inputs tot he function ( as per my understanding).


For example I have point P1(X1,Y1) and want to determine another point P2 which is at distance 5 KM having same lattitude i.e. p2(X1+5 Km,Y1).


Thanks in advance for help


With regards,


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