Unable to run Database Designer using Admintools

I am new to Vertica database Administration, I am unable to run database designer for all schemas in my database , 12 schemas in my database, I can select top 7schemas with an "X" in admintools on the "Select schema(s) for design" screen(Schema Level Designer),

but i can't select with an "X" from 8th schema.

Can i know the reason ? Is there any limit for DBD in Admintools?
we are using vertica6.1 version
Please see attached ...........


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    Hi Rajashekar,


            Database Designer can be run on only one database schema at a time. The selected database should running at that time. For more information, please take a look at the documentation






  • QUOTE: "Database Designer can be run on only one database schema at a time"


    Sruti, the link you provided includes the steps for using Database Designer on the VMART example db, where step 8 instructs the user as follows:


    "Because the Vmart design is a multi-schema database, select all three schemas for your design, and click OK."



    So at least 3 schemas are possible....the original question is related to whether there is there an upper bound for the # of scenarios that can be inluded in a db-design.


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



       Sorry, I overlooked the word schema. There is no upper limit for the number of schemas you can select to run Database Designer. Please use spacebar for selecting the schemas and arrows for navigating up and down. Please let me know if you are still unable to select more than 7 schemas.




  • Hello I am running Vertica 7.1.1-0 and I have exactly the same problem : I cannot select any schema for DB after the 7th in list !!! Is there any option to modify so that adminTools allows schemas selection ? I wouldn't like to go thru the Vertica Mgy Console, as last experiences I had for DBD creation was quite bad in the Console. thanks for help Isa
  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



       Please use spacebar to select schemas. if you use cursor to select schemas then you can select only 7 schemas. For more information on how to use spacebar for selecting schemas through admintools, Please visit the URL







  • Many thanks for this answer, it works fine with the space bar . Isa

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