Writing Pandas dataframe to vertica

Is there a way by which we can wrtite pandas dataframe into vertica tables.


I am trying to use this 




Is there any vertica sql alchemy engine? 


  • Hi,


    Not tested much , you can use this:



    Hope this helps.


  • Yes I saw this and I am not able to get this work. Btw my objective here is to export a table from mysql to vertica . I know this can be done like 1) Export mysql to csv 2) Define the table in vertica 3) use load to import data from csv to vertica . But Is there any other way possibly a more programmatic thing to do

  • Hi Sushmit,


    If your requirement is load  data from Mysql to Vertica, why use a approach which involves lot of steps.

    You can do it one statement.


    Check this UDL on marketplace

    Vertica Marketplace


    It simplifies a lot of things.



  • Thanks Navin,

    Can you direct me to steps to install the packages. I have never used it before

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