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Vsql: parameter passing — Vertica Forum

Vsql: parameter passing


My problem is simple. I try to run a SQL script with parameter passing.


vsql -U supp_app -w bidon -h vertorix  -v pbstrt=PARAM1  -f test_param.sql -t 


Script SQL test_param.sql  :

\echo :pbstrt
select 'gogo '  || c.commentaire
from supp_app.comment_base c
where instance = :pbstrt;

And  I have this error :

vsql:test_param.sql:5: ERROR 2624:  Column "PARAM1" does not exist


Can anyone help me?



  • Hi Gilbert!


    You've set :pbstrt to PARAM1.


    When you use :pbstrt in your SQL statement, vsql replaces it with PARAM1. So you've written:


    select 'gogo '  || c.commentaire
    from supp_app.comment_base c
    where instance = PARAM1;


    As you can see, this will generate the error you are seeing if PARAM1 isn't a valid identifier for that query.


    What you probably wanted was the following. Note the single quotes.


    select 'gogo '  || c.commentaire
    from supp_app.comment_base c
    where instance = 'PARAM1'


    To get this, you'll have to set :pbstrt to 'PARAM1'. Like this


    vsql -v "pbstrt='PARAM1'"


    Notice I used double quotes around the entire argument. Otherwise my shell (bash) would interpret the single quotes rather than see them as literal single quotes.




  • It works perfectly.

    Thanks a lot for your rapid answer.


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