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Failed to create database VMart — Vertica Forum

Failed to create database VMart


I followed this url https://community.dev.hp.com/t5/Vertica-Forum/quot-failed-to-create-database-VMart-quot-using-VMware-CE-v-7-0/td-p/214303 and tried the below mentioned command for installing VMart database but I still could not solve the problem.

[dbadmin@example sbin]$ /opt/vertica/sbin/install_example VMart
Installing VMart example database
Thu May 21 09:54:46 EDT 2015
Creating Database
Failed to create database VMart
[dbadmin@example sbin]$


Kindly suggest how can i solve the above problem.






  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    Did you check if there is VMart folder  in /home/dbadmin?





  • There is nothing related with VMart inside /home/dbadmin/


    [dbadmin@example sbin]$ cd /home/dbadmin

    [dbadmin@example ~]$ ls
    Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Music  Pictures  Public  Templates  Videos
    [dbadmin@example ~]$


    But If you check from admintools it shows VMART database

  • Hello Shruti,

    This is what I did. Since there were already an existing databse named VMart but it was not showing all the tables and schemas inside VMART database. As a result I tried following  steps




    1. [dbadmin@example ~]$ admintools


    3. Select 7 DROP DATABASE

    4. Selected M Menu

    5. Selected E Exit




    [dbadmin@example ~]$ /opt/vertica/sbin/install_example VMart
    Installing VMart example database
    Thu May 21 11:13:00 EDT 2015
    Creating Database
    Generating Data. This may take a few minutes.
    Creating schema
    Loading 5 million rows of data. Please stand by.
    Removing generated data files
    Example database creation complete

    Log is located in /opt/vertica/examples/log/ExampleInstall.txt

    Thu May 21 11:14:11 EDT 2015
    [dbadmin@example ~]$


    And It now shows all the tables


    [dbadmin@example ~]$ vsql
    Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.

    Type:  \h or \? for help with vsql commands
           \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
           \q to quit

    dbadmin=> \d
                              List of tables
        Schema    |         Name          | Kind  |  Owner  | Comment
     online_sales | call_center_dimension | table | dbadmin |
     online_sales | online_page_dimension | table | dbadmin |
     online_sales | online_sales_fact     | table | dbadmin |
     public       | customer_dimension    | table | dbadmin |
     public       | date_dimension        | table | dbadmin |
     public       | employee_dimension    | table | dbadmin |
     public       | inventory_fact        | table | dbadmin |
     public       | product_dimension     | table | dbadmin |
     public       | promotion_dimension   | table | dbadmin |
     public       | shipping_dimension    | table | dbadmin |
     public       | vendor_dimension      | table | dbadmin |
     public       | warehouse_dimension   | table | dbadmin |
     store        | store_dimension       | table | dbadmin |
     store        | store_orders_fact     | table | dbadmin |
     store        | store_sales_fact      | table | dbadmin |
    (15 rows)




  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    great to know that it was solved

  • Thank you Shruti for support

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