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Fatal Error otocol 3.5 Using Verica database version 7.1.1 with vertica-jdbc-7.1.1-0.jar — Vertica Forum

Fatal Error otocol 3.5 Using Verica database version 7.1.1 with vertica-jdbc-7.1.1-0.jar

Hi Developers,


We use vertica database version 7.1.1 for analytical processing.

We use Pentaho Analyzer Application to access our data marts.


Connecting to the database with vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar is working fine


Installing the vertica-jdbc-7.1.1-0.jar gives the error mentioned in other issues (see log attached)


Which driver can I used best with the Vertica 7.1.1 Community edition and where can I find this driver?


Kind regards,

Tom Kooi




  • Vertica Employee Employee

    Hello Tom


    This error occurs when the database client implements a newer version of the client-server protocol than the server.  Generally the database server is capable of speaking older versions of the protocol, so you may use older clients with newer servers. However, the reverse is not true.

    Version 3.4 of the protocol corresponds to version 7.0.x of the database server, while version 3.5 corresponds to 7.1.X. If you are using a 7.1.x client with a 7.0.x server, this error is to be expected.

    Are you sure you are really using a 7.1.1 community edition server? You can run a "select version()" to know for sure. Based on this error it looks like you are running 7.0.x. If so, then using the 7.0.x JDBC driver is the way to go.

  • Hi Twall,

    Thanks for your reaction and I was convinced we where running version 7.1. That's why I hardly dare to reply. Anyway, I have to say that you are right. Yes we are running version 7.0 on out development envirionment ;-(.


    Our DBA-ers performed the migration from "Vertica Analytic Database v7.0.1-0" to "Vertica Analytic Database v7.1.1-0". on all our envirionments "development", "test" and "production". 

    Somehow the development envirionment is still at version 7.0. (the others are as espected on version 7.1)

    I was testing the new driver on the development envirionment but never checked if we were really on the 7.1 version. I am going to ask to do the migration all over again on this envirionment.

    Thanks again!

    Kind regards,







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