Error - Unable to resolve network interfaces

Hi All,


I'm facing below error message while installing Vertica 6.0.2-0


File "/opt/vertica/bin/", line 1470, in <module>
uba = DBfunctions.uniqueBroadCastAddresses( profiles, options.forceSpreadReconfiguration, ignoreHosts = non_spread_hosts )
File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/tools/", line 415, in uniqueBroadCastAddresses
raise Exception( "Unable to resolve network interfaces for %s" % h )
Exception: Unable to resolve network interfaces for
Installation failed.
Vertica installation....................................................[FAIL]


If I set "localhost" in drinstall.propeties instalation fineshes without problem, however, when I try to start database through "adminTools"  following message is being displayed "No database are currently defined"


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



      R u giving the hostname while trying to install vertica? Can you check if the IP address is mapped correctly in /etc/hosts. Can you also check LANG attribute? The system LANG attributes must be UTF-8 compatible.





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