[Vertica][VJDBC](6429) Error


I am trying to connect to Vertica database from DB Visualizer 7.1.4. And while configuring the connection I am getting below error message.


Long Message:

[Vertica][VJDBC](6429) ERROR: The sending password for "username", encryption algorithm MD5 does not match the effective server configured encryption algorithm SHA512



   Type: java.sql.SQLException

   Error Code: 6429

   SQL State: VX001


I do not understand what this error and how to resolve. please help.


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



      Could you please share me the output of following queries


    Select * from password_auditor;
    Select get_config_parameter('SecurityAlgorithm'); 





  • Unfortunately I do not have access to run this. I have very restricted access to the database.

    I believe the problem is with the vertica driver I am using. 

    I have vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar with me. Is this version having some issues?

  • Hi


    Did any upgrade was performed recently on the same cluster? Just for your information a requirement of the 7.1 use of the new SHA512 security algorithm is to change user password before user can be authenticated.


    Has the user password been updated recently? If not you can find the details in our documentation.

    Please see the following URL:http://my.vertica.com/docs/7.1.x/HTML/index.htm#Authoring/AdministratorsGuide/Security/ClientAuth/UpgradeConsiderationsForHashAuthentication.htm?Highlight=sha


    After performing this try reconnection and let me know how it goes.




    Rahul Choudhary

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