Vertica db down

The Vertica db got down.

It is impossible to start it or to go back to the last good epoch.

The following error is displayed in both cases: "Unable to read database catalogs – Cannot start database"



  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



      Can you share the value for clientAuthentication Parameter from your vertica.conf file





  • There is no parameter named "clientAuthentication" in my vertica.conf file.

    This all what this file has:




    # -----------------------------
    # Vertica configuration file
    # -----------------------------
    # This file consists of lines of the form:
    #   name = value
    # Comments are introduced with '#' anywhere on a line.
    # The name, default value and description of available configuration parameters
    # can be found by running the following query:
    #    select * from v_monitor.configuration_parameters;
    # Note that the best way to change this file is to use the set_config_parameter
    #   function, as it will update all nodes
    # For the parameters with change_under_support_guidance column marked as 't',
    # user must consult with Vertica support before changing their values.


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



      Can you set clientAuthentication Parameter as suggested in the following URL and try restarting database






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