Perl->DBD::ODBC warning
I am new to Vertica and have some question when using "select" query against one of nodes by Perl->DBI & Perl->DBD::ODBC.
With DBI 1.633 and DBD::ODBC 1.52, when connecting to DB with some attributes as an argument, then I got the warning message.
my $attr = {
RaiseError => 1, # Make database errors fatal to script
AutoCommit => 0, # Prevent statements from committing transactions;
WARN 2554910464 Statement::EndTransaction: [Vertica][ODBC] (10210) Attribute identifier invalid or not supported: 24
DBD::ODBC::db disconnect warning: Disconnect with transaction in progress - rolling back at line 69.
Without the argument (or set this as undef), then there is no warning at all.
Can we apply the attribute to Vertica?
With/Without the argument, the query results were the same.
#I know the both versions I use are out of pre-requisite.
The constructor I made is:
sub new {
my $cls = shift;
#$ENV{VERTICAINI} = "/usr/local/etc/vertica.ini";
my $user = 'dbadmin';
my $pass = 'dbadmin';
my $attr = {
RaiseError => 1, # Make database errors fatal to script
AutoCommit => 0, # Prevent statements from committing transactions;
my $driver = "/opt/vertica/lib64/";
my $db = "VMARTDB";
my $servername = "VerticaNode01";
my $uid = "dbadmin";
my $pwd = "masked";
my $port = "5433";
my $locale = "ja_JP";
my $connect = "dbi:ODBC:Driver=$driver;Servername=$servername;Database=$db;UID=$uid;PWD=$pwd;Port=$port;Locale=$locale";
my $self = {};
# if replacing with undef, then there is no warning message at all.
$self->{dbObj} = DBI->connect($connect, undef, undef, $attr);
if (!($self->{dbObj})) {
return (undef, DBI::errstr);
bless($self, $cls);
return $self;